The service is collecting the hard copies of the questionnaires from the poll workers for a possible new analysis of poll answers.
The service has also been collecting a lot of data from some 2,000 weather stations, which did not exist when the first weather maps were made.
The service collects 200 tons of oil a year from restaurants.
Besides the regular work of Documentation centre, which includes readers' service, feature services, collecting library materials etc.
The service will collect data from willing TiVo subscribers.
The service collects extensive player statistics and maintains a complete archive of games played in the last 6 months.
The service has long collected seeds from abroad for the nation's seed banks and freely dispenses seeds to other countries.
The service collects data at the polls across the country and feeds it to the networks and the wire service.
In other areas, social services will collect and pay the owner the full amount of money due.
The service collects and stores all types of historical documents relating to the Wirral area, its people, businesses and institutions.