The armed services will conduct individual studies to learn lessons from the war with Iraq that apply to their core capabilities and specific weapons.
The service is conducting an internal investigation expected to be completed next week.
'Standardized' services are research studies conducted for different client firms but in a standard way.
The secret service has been conducting a more general investigation into Saudi charities since the late 1990's.
All services and activities conducted in both English and Chinese.
Before a service like Excite can conduct searches on the Web, it must create an index of Web sites.
The consultants recommended that the services conduct better research on young people in order to direct their advertising at a variety of young audiences.
First service conducted by Dean Goldsmith.
The military services usually conduct a "lessons learned" exercise after a conflict, and too often they learn the lessons they want to learn.
France and India have extensive strategic co-operation, with the military services of both nations conducting joint exercises.