The petrochemical industry, for example, pumps more than $1 billion into the local economy, while the city's growing health care services employ about 24,000 people.
The service employs 4,027 staff, of whom 406 are in management and administration and 15 are board members.
Commerce, services and tourism employ 31.5% of the working population.
Retail, service, and manufacturing jobs employ most of the city's residents.
Today, the service employs about 25 correspondents in eight bureaus around the world.
Commerce, tourism and services employ 39% of the population.
But in many countries, services employ more people than manufacturing.
It was calculated in 1759 that the 'civil service' of the Crown employed about 16,000 people.
Commerce and services together employ 63.3% of the population.
In 2010, all provincial governments' public service were employing a total of more than 350 000 people.