The vehicle returned to service six months later in June 2009.
With both types of shipping covered they are able to service a world economy even in a down market.
She was designed to service the offshore oil industry in Indonesia.
And the casino industry was happy to stay open 24 hours to service those millions in new debt.
The kingdom has a policy of free press, and is serviced in large part by newspaper.
It serviced 39,000 employees in 37 states and had revenues of $1 billion a year.
We will not be looking for spectacular acquisitions, but ones that service our growth goals in important markets.
As the locomotive's use would be limited, there are no plans to return W 386 to service in the long term.
I enjoy being serviced by a woman once in a while.
When the hospital closed, the water treatment facilities still serviced some of the buildings in the community.