Purchaser and provider divisions have been established in both health and social services authorities, but the splits occur at different levels.
Every social services authority should be required to appoint an appropriately qualified or experienced children's complaints officer to act in the best interests of the child.
Section 7(5) of the act should be strengthened to put the hospital managers on a par with the local social services authority.
The police, health authority and social services authority should agree a local policy for putting into practice section 136 of the act.
Clearly, the community care fund will require the active participation of both social service departments and the family health services authority and health authority in these community ventures.
It is vital that social services authorities should see themselves as the arrangers and purchasers of care services - not as monopolistic providers.
In either case, this should allow the social services authority to hold the not-for-profit body to account for the proper use of public funds.
It would have been nice if the health common services authority had sone so - and created 800 jobs.
We need a European financial services authority.
The Fritzls became the three children's foster parents with the knowledge of local social services authorities.