As a result, these less-than-obvious charges are now capped at 7.25 percent, or 6.25 percent for funds that also collect a quarter of one percent annual "servicing" fee.
Borrowers who receive a loan pay an origination fee of 0.5%-4.5% depending on the borrower's Prosper Rating, and investors pay a 1% annual servicing fee.
Not only was there no incentive to weed out fraudulent claims, but there was pressure to approve virtually all claims in order to collect the servicing fee.
The asset manager was paid a servicing fee out of trust funds.
The agreement set prices only for the first year's supply, and the Enrichment Company has been trying to drive prices down and charge the Russians high servicing fees.
There is also a 30-year mortgage from the city at 0.25 percent interest, basically a servicing fee.
Loan servicing typically retains a fraction of the payment made (typically 25 - 45 basis points of the unpaid principal balance) as a "servicing fee".
And it states that the servicing fees charged by the insurance companies were set by the state and appeared to be reasonable.
In the course of arranging these inflated mortgages, the investigators say, a lender would receive a large servicing fee based on the size of the mortgage.
After the first year, the annual fee becomes $45 and a $6.50 monthly servicing fee is added (a total of $125 in fees annually).