And her makeup was a little too theatrical for someone reduced to servile status.
The landed elites' demands were couched in avowals of their ancient rights as "twice-born" landowners and of the Kurmi's alleged lowly, even servile, status, which required them to serve.
Anthropologist Jack Goody stated, "Such new names served to cut the individuals off from their kinfolk, their society, from humanity itself and at the same time emphasized their servile status".
It began in 1178 when the chapter obtained a royal charter asserting the farmers' servile status.
Thus Servius was divinely fathered and already destined for greatness, despite his mother's servile status; for the time being, Tanaquil and Ocrisia kept this a secret.
However, these privileges were lost with the partitions and the Polska Roma were forced back into servile status by the foreign powers (Austria, Prussia, Russia).
You can give him the letter, and he will soon be captured and reduced to servile status.
Cade and his supporters had no constructive programme for social reform, and appeared to be unconcerned about questions of servile status or land rents.
In this hierarchy, officials were higher than ordinary men, who were themselves superior to persons of servile status.
Most accepted the desire among the slave states to count slaves as part of the population, although their servile status was raised as a major objection against this.