"We believe these contracts set a standard for performance," Mr. Spence said.
Citicorp is among a handful of companies to set such a high hurdle for corporate performance before the options become valuable.
Beginning in 1959 it set 15 world records for in-flight performance, including an absolute speed record, and an absolute altitude record.
Mr. Rippe, of Prudential, asserted that the stage was set for better performance.
This indication allows the skipper to set their sails or their course for best performance, according to the points of sail.
They set the path for black musical theater and performance in the years that followed.
Mr. Mazza said they would encourage high standards and set consistent ground rules for performance.
The Pentagon, Congress and minority businessmen are now discussing whether financial incentives and penalties should be set for corporate performance.
Catherine had literary ambitions, and Pashkevich was asked to set one of her own opera libretti for performance at the royal court.
During the fifth century BC, five days of the festival were set aside for performance, though scholars disagree exactly what was presented each day.