This is far above the $108 billion ceiling set in the 1985 budget-balancing law.
Mr. Gramm argues that the deficit targets set in the law are still politically powerful.
Four of the nine Justices said even those limits, set in the 1974 law, were unconstitutional infringements of free speech.
But Republicans have still not announced three of their appointments, two days before a Sunday deadline set in the law that created the 10-member commission.
The new deficit ceiling for fiscal year 1988, which begins Oct. 1, is $144 billion, far above the $108 billion set in the original law.
The Court also found that the procedural requirements to obtain an abortion, as set forth in the law, were especially troublesome.
That deficit figure is far above the $108 billion ceiling set in the budget-balancing law.
This is often the case for many precedents that have been set in the common law.
Different sizes of the flag can be created, but they must conform to the color codes and ratio requirements set in the law.
This would leave the deficit far above the $108 billion ceiling set in the budget-balancing law.