One set marks the start of the runway, while the other is set up some seven meters (twenty feet) behind the first.
A set of overlapping themes marked the debate.
This set marks the end of the experience with real actors/actresses, sets, and special effects.
One set of footsteps marked the owner's transit to the door of the chapel, and Jass got up to follow.
The set marks the return of Split Cards which have two separate effects printed on the same card but with different mana costs.
This set of figures marked the first profitable period of operation following reconstitution.
Five sets of crossed black stitches marked the mouth, and another pair formed an X over the heart.
This set marked the first time in history that a musician had signed an exclusive music distribution deal with a single retailer.
This set marked the end of coach building in Inchicore.
The station has been demolished but a set of level crossing gates mark the site.