There are five Parts, further subdivided into thirty sections, which set out the organization, functions, and responsibilities of the executive branch of government.
The Civil Service Code sets out the duties and responsibilities of all civil servants, whatever their jobs.
Where you have set out clear responsibilities for various employees, you can check that they have actually carried them out to the required standard.
Those rules set out both limitations AND responsibilities.
Ensure that you set out specific responsibilities in your contracts with clients beforehand and deal with complaints promptly.
On welfare reform, we advocated a binding contract between the recipient and the government, setting out the rights and responsibilities of both parties.
This is an employment contract for a specified period of time that sets out each crew member's roles and responsibilities whilst at sea.
Title six also sets out the authority and responsibilities of the director of FEMA.
Each committee has a written charters setting out their roles and responsibilities, membership, functions, reporting procedures and the manner in which they are to operate.
Part I sets out basic rights and responsibilities.