The key part of Article 50 involves "setting out the arrangements for its withdrawal, taking account of the framework for its future relationship with the Union".
Ensure the contract also sets out the arrangements for making complaints.
The Referendum Bill, setting out the arrangements for this referendum, is likely to be put forward in 2013.
A final clause set out the arrangements for joint operations between the two spy networks.
This note sets out the arrangements as to how each sector will be assessed.
At the end of the month Molly received another communication from S. Kettering setting out the arrangements for paying the rent.
The statement of general policy sets out your general approach, objectives and the arrangements you have put in place for managing health and safety in your business.
It sets out the arrangements needed for effective working, covering each institution's key responsibilities, coordination of the forecast process, and the process for information sharing.
The Commission has attempted to set out the arrangements for genetically modified maize and soya in its draft Regulation.
The plan itself sets out the agreed arrangements for bringing events under control, the necessary resources for maintaining critical business functions and the staff required for co-ordinating actions.