These sets range in size from 195 to 269 cards.
The sets, all by Derek McLane, ranged from functional to ingenious to beautiful.
A set of nine irons with steel shafts ranges in price from $450-$550.
A set of queen-size sheets ranges from $150 to $800 depending on style, quality and manufacturer.
The sets range in price from $8 to $60, and you certainly get what you pay for.
The sets of twins range from 3-year-olds in a prekindergarten class to 12-year-old sixth graders.
The sets range from theme songs to compilations of theme and image songs.
In the company's variety trials, the set has ranged from what he describes as a good normal 75% of available flowers to as little as 20%.
There are 60 items or sets of items in this category, ranging from letters and diaries to records.
The sets range in price from $600 to $2,000.