The settings should evoke interest, considering they're the closest most people will ever get to the White House.
Soon Morgan demanded that the machine's settings be changed, to nearly the same as had earlier evoked the shape of Stonehenge on the stage.
Mark Thompson's setting and Hugh Vanstone's lighting evoke a stark world denuded of any former glamour.
The setting evokes the 1940's.
The furnishings are real, but the setting evokes an imaginary scene the way a doll house does.
The setting evokes wine growing most vividly of any of the wineries we visited that day.
The setting evokes "Saving Private Ryan," and the producers' cachet has made this among the biggest-budgeted miniseries ever at $130 million.
The settings, costumes and dances evoked the lithographs of Currier and Ives.
One night the setting could evoke the Romanov dynasty, the next Victorian England.
"The settings evoke the period," said John Funt, an interior display consultant who designed the four tables.