Robinton could just see the huge bulk of the bronze dragon, settling awkwardly on to his hind legs, his wings working to keep him balanced.
"Well, I certainly thought so," Alorria said, settling awkwardly onto the edge of the nearest bed.
Lawford, as uncomfortable with this sudden intimacy as with the need to waste time, settled awkwardly by Sharpe at the base of a tree.
He did his utmost to mask his own displeasure as Buntokapi bent his bandy legs and settled awkwardly beside Mara on the Acoma litter.
The thing made no sound but settled awkwardly to earth, where Canthus set upon it with a growl and a flash of white fangs.
He settled awkwardly beside her, listening seriously.
As it settled awkwardly on the pad, the hatch hissed open.
The bronze dragon settled awkwardly onto his hind legs, his wings working to keep him balanced.
Tobin settled awkwardly on the stair, helped by Andry and Alasen.
I kept unsticking myself and hitting my head on the ceiling before settling awkwardly back to the ground.