Crude later settled well off its highs, at $26.90, up 32 cents.
"I just hope he leaves there cleanly and can settle in a good spot off the first flight."
When it opened, though, he broke well, then settled back off the pace as Housebuster shot to the lead through fractions of 22.67 and 45.18.
The big chopper settled down to ten feet off the water and hovered.
Woods settled for par, and only two shots off the lead, he was very much in contention.
And maybe one last chance for a title before the couple settle down to life off the ice.
After missing a home run by a few feet, he settled for a double off the left-field scoreboard.
We settled into a booth in the restaurant off the lobby.
He settled them in an alcove off the main hall.
He settled to the floor to tug off the boots, and flung them after the jacket.