However, Israel has settled hundreds of thousands of its citizens in various Israeli controlled settlements in the West Bank.
In November 2007 Merck agreed to a massive payout of $4.85 billion to settle thousands of additional cases.
When the initial settlement was reached, in late 1993, the plaintiffs' lawyers had the upper hand because the manufacturers were eager to settle thousands of lawsuits.
Israel has settled thousands of Jews in East Jerusalem since expanding the municipal boundaries deep into the West Bank.
They also demand fast-track courts to settle thousands of pending land disputes.
Under legislation intended to settle thousands of claims, the last day for people who might want to sue is Jan. 31.
Eagle-Picher Inc. said today that it hoped to settle thousands of asbestos disease lawsuits and future claims within 30 days.
In May Denny's got the bill, agreeing to pay $54 million to settle thousands of lawsuits.
By 1910, the land company had managed to settle and develop thousands of farms on both sides of the border.
As of last Friday, court records show, the firm had made offers to settle tens of thousands of claims to the compensation fund for almost $750 million.