The settlement averted a trial that was to begin later this month.
Of course, a political settlement, or progress toward it, would avert this.
The settlement averts a trial on the Government's immigration policies.
The settlement averted the possibility that an appeals court would reinstate her suit, and White House officials believe the settlement will help Mr. Clinton avoid impeachment.
The settlement, reached in Atlanta, averted a strike by 48,000 workers that was scheduled to begin this morning.
If approved, the settlement would avert a Supreme Court ruling on the case.
But the settlement averted fiscal meltdown and assured the city of at least $65 million a year over the next 60 years, with the possibility that the figure could increase with a rise in airport traffic.
The court decision sent the case back to a trial court, but the settlement - submitted to a federal judge in Los Angeles on Monday - averts further legal wrangling for Grokster in the four-year-old lawsuit.
A pay-cut settlement with the unions would avert Delphi's court bid to scrap the contracts and impose terms including a reduction of more than 50 percent in hourly wages, to as little as $12.50 an hour from $27.
The settlement averted the possibility that Eliot L. Spitzer, the attorney general of New York, would file charges against Merrill or any of its analysts or managers.