Despite the difficulties, settlement density actually increases, and the socio-cultural traditions continued.
The number of burial sites found is small in relation to the known settlement density.
(1991) "Role of settlement density on gametophyte growth and reproduction in the kelps Pterygophora californica and Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyceae)."
Settlements were not uniformly distributed, but tended to form clusters separated by areas where settlement density falls.
Given that pastoralism and highland living could not support a very concentrated settlement density, pastoralist tribes often searched for more arable lowlands suitable for agriculture.
The site is located in an area of savanna with poor soils considered unsuitable for the growing of maize, somewhat at odds with the settlement density of the site.
The contrast between the settlement density and poor soils has highlighted the need for further research into Maya agriculture in a savanna environment.
Soil quality was statistically proven to be a key determinant of settlement density.
Increasing settlement density in buildings (and smaller distances between buildings) is usually a response to high ground prices resulting from many people wanting to live close to work or similar attractors.
These resulted in a settlement density that defies the environmental conditions.