The settlement document makes clear that the Wall Street firms continue to deny the accusations of wrongdoing.
According to settlement documents obtained by The Times, the task force will have sweeping power over personnel programs at Texaco.
But the settlement document hinted that Waterway still faced a possible criminal case, or administrative charges.
Complete legal details and copies of the settlement documents can be found on RCN's website.
The settlement document explains how the amount was arrived at:
The type and scope of each project should be defined in the settlement document.
If both the parties sign the settlement document, it shall be final and binding on both.
The list of models affected and their engines are listed on page 7 of the settlement document.
The settlement document does not disclose how much in back taxes the agency had sought from the various Scientology entities under investigation.
Finding the right words to try to lay to rest decades of discord, it turned out, filled 68 pages of a settlement document.