The judge is being asked to approve a class-action settlement stemming from the partnership scandal.
The settlements stem from lawsuits the companies brought against the state after their requests for steeper increases were rejected by the insurance department last year.
The youngest settlement stems from the Iron Age.
The oldest settlement stems from the Bronze Age.
However, there was significant opposition to black settlement stemming from the racist attitudes fostered during Britain's colonial and slave trader history.
The two settlements sharing the 'same sounding' name, with different spellings given by non-native people, may stem from the band inhabiting both places.
The settlement stems from a three-year investigation covering computer maintenance for fiscal years 1984-87 and computer equipment bought between 1979 and 1984.
The settlement stems from a 1999 class-action lawsuit filed in California that accused Microsoft of overcharging customers for its software.
The settlement stems from a federal judge's ruling over a lawsuit filed against the village in April 2006 by six day laborers who accused the police of harassment.
The settlement stems from a lawsuit filed in the mid-1980's when environmentalists and lawyers representing the city of Quincy sued the district commission for polluting the harbor.