This area was densely covered with trees and brush until about 1790 when the first settlers attempted to clear some of the land that surrounds Larrys Creek.
Some settlers attempted to grow tea, which was then an expensive, yet the most popular non-alcoholic beverage in Russia.
In 1803, about five years after the villa was established the settlers attempted to establish a government by electing an alcade or mayor.
Some white settlers attempted with success to induce the native population to engage in the trading of women for provisions and armaments.
The initial Spanish settlers of Chiloé attempted to base their economy on gold extraction and a "hispanic-mediterranean" agricultural model.
The settlers were attempting to re-sacralize land which, in their view, was profaned by the Palestinians.
The first recorded settlers, the Valkenburg family, arrived around 1813, although some non-permanent settlers had attempted to live in the area about 1790.
Although white settlers led by Benjamin Sells pleaded for the old chief and attempted to bribe the death squad, the trial and sentencing were swift.
The settlers in the region attempted to organize Arapahoe County on their own.
After doing so this settler attempted to displace the man he sold the land to and claim it as his own.