The first settlers were of Irish or Scottish descent and were driving westward from Connecticut.
The story of Venice began over 1,000 years ago, when early settlers drove a base of wooden piles into the lagoon.
The plains bison numbered in the millions during the Pleistocene era, until European settlers drove them to near-extinction in the late 19th century.
By the 1860s, settlers were driving into the West pushing out the original inhabitants, such as the Spokanes.
The European settlers viciously drove the Aborigines from their lands, massacring thousands with impunity.
For example, settlers must drive through many of those Palestinian villages unless expensive bypass roads are built, a process that could take months.
In the 19th century, Russian settlers on traditional Kirghiz land drove a lot of the Kirghiz over the border to China.
Jewish settlers in the territories and other Israelis, whose cars bear different license plates from those of Arabs, can drive past the checkpoints.
Later, Jewish settlers drove to a nearby village and shot an Arab man to death.
Jewish settlers drove through the streets unhindered, and their children rode bicycles.