Between 1840 and 1866 an estimated 350,000 settlers pushed their way west along the valley.
Each year, settlers pushed deeper into Aboriginal territories in search of pasture and water for their stock.
Each time the early settlers pushed West, they found what was to them virgin land, and they perceived it as paradise.
I bring this up here because one theory is that the settlers pushed inland, up into the hills of Appalachia, and settled there.
Gradually, Anglian settlers pushed west from the kingdom of Deira.
The settlers pushed farther and farther into the wilderness.
On April 30, 1843, a cannon sounded at midnight, after which the settlers pushed into the new lands and settled many areas by sunrise.
Conflicts with Utah's original inhabitants increased as settlers pushed Indians away from their food sources and off the best land.
Tobacco planters held the best land near the coast, so new settlers pushed inland.
Panda habitat in China is continuing to disappear as settlers push higher up the mountain slopes.