Each settler received a thin strip of land located at a right angle to the river or other body of water.
For example, in Chmielinko the settlers received one-half of a huba for the school.
The settlers received on average 16.5 hectares of land per man.
At that time, settlers received supplies from the nearest railway station near Whitemouth.
Headright system- Each settler received a single headright (grant of land) for himself or herself.
Although the settlers received the benefit of public opinion, politically and legally every decision was going the way of the railroad.
By contrast he was fiercely critical of the treatment Ukrainian settlers had received in South America.
The settlers received some own land and had to submit their natural produces and yields to the Lohrbach basement office.
The settlers of Cobleskill who were rendered destitute by the action received £200 in compensation for their troubles.
This offer is in addition to the compensation the settlers will receive for the evacuation, which is expected to average about $200,000 to $300,000 per family.