During the first wave of settlement, no one held titles to the land, and settlers rushed to occupy newly open land fit for cultivation.
When the Yrekan Grand Governor issued evacuation orders, all settlers rushed to underground shelters, sealing their homes, taking cover.
With the expectation of the new railroad, settlers and prospectors now rushed to an area they had previously avoided.
The other settlers rushed into the cabin as the raiding warriors surrounded the house.
Though startled and unprepared, the settlers had rushed to the poultry run, grabbing up brooms, rakes, sticks, whatever was near to hand.
Then a third settler rushed back and got his weapon and opened fire, hitting three or four Palestinians.
In the first five years that the law was in effect, settlers rushed into Minnesota faster than into any other state - more than 62,000 homesteaders lived there by 1880.
With the opening of Kansas, settlers rushed into the new territory.
As the act was being debated, settlers on both sides of the slavery issue rushed into the state to be present for the voting.
White speculators and settlers rushed in droves seeking riches mining gold on land reserved for the Sioux tribe by the Treaty of Fort Laramie of 1868.