He has argued that redistributing land now is only fair because millions of blacks were forced to subsist on dry rocky soil after British settlers seized the country's best land during the colonial period.
On June 15, 1846, some 30 settlers, mostly Americans, staged a revolt and seized the small Mexican garrison in Sonoma.
In 1719 settlers in southern Carolina seized control from its proprietors.
Hebron's settlers seized on the incident to build a new settlement in the area.
The settlers, who oppose the withdrawal, seized on the attack - and the suspects' escape into Palestinian territory - as evidence that their opposition is warranted.
From 1870 to 1910, American settlers lawlessly seized lands, including arable and native gathering lands.
The new settlers don't seize the land in any official way; they simply uproot Palestinians' trees or shoot in the air at any Palestinian who comes close.
In the colony's first of many revolts against the crown, the settlers seized Cabaza de Vaca, sent him back to Spain in irons, and returned the governorship to Irala.
On arrival, the Greek settlers ejected the non-Greek peoples and seized the finest farmlands and harbors.
A7 Jewish settlers seize Arab houses in Jerusalem A8 Haitians split over their new leader.