She survived, and other settlers shot the attackers, killing one of them.
Warning Is Required Like soldiers, before settlers can shoot they are supposed to first shout a warning then fire a round into the air.
The order applies even if the settler is shooting at Israeli troops, he added.
But an Israeli army spokesman said the settlers, who were on foot at a crossroads, shot about a dozen Palestinians after coming under attack from stone-throwers.
The soldiers were restraining the bomber when two settlers shot him detonating the bomb.
I was gathering my brothers to hide them, when the settlers shot my sister on the stairs.
Later, Jewish settlers drove to a nearby village and shot an Arab man to death.
It is known that some European settlers in the centre and north of the country shot Indigenous people during this period.
The Palestinians said settlers have been shooting at Arab cars and homes, despite Israel's declaration to avoid hostilities.
The first white settlers ruthlessly shot and poisoned the tribe, but members fought to stay on the land they loved.