Publishing executives say that Mr. Cuomo is asking for a seven-figure advance.
A success here doesn't have to be - and probably won't be - a seven-figure advance.
He was a regular on the speaking circuit, talking to corporate executives even before his book was written, which is why he got a seven-figure advance.
The allegations are heatedly denied by Frank, who receives a seven-figure advance to write a memoir of the pain he endured reading the book.
The early success of Spider-Man led the film's studio to issue a seven-figure advance for a sequel.
She recently signed a three-book deal that carried a seven-figure advance.
Peter Osnos, the book's editor, would only say that "it was certainly a seven-figure advance."
He added that the seven-figure advance "seemed appropriate when the contract was signed in 1988 and Trump's fortunes were going in all the right directions."
But generally only hard-back sales of several hundred thousand copies can justify a seven-figure advance.
He was willing to walk away from a weighty, seven-figure advance rather than surrender any control.