The officials took Sunday off, and used Monday to hire the 50 people, who will work in seven-hour shifts, to count every ballot by hand.
It stopped paying them for how many pieces - legs, lids, sounding boards - they finished during a seven-hour shift.
He said he usually earned $15 to $18 for a seven-hour shift.
Nurses typically work seven-hour shifts, 70 hours bi-weekly.
She stands for most of her seven-hour shifts and hardly misses a day's work.
But still, his job was stressful every minute of his seven-hour shift.
Marshaling nearly 300 government employees, Volusia County officials had planned to begin the manual count on Saturday morning and conduct it over two seven-hour shifts.
Teams of workers will work seven-hour shifts each day.
There are over a hundred people working during any of four seven-hour shifts.
Her services are sometimes rewarded with a dollar bill, but most evenings she heads home to Brooklyn with less than $20 for a seven-hour shift.