Those arrested in the seven-month investigation include five current or former motor vehicle bureau employees and a civilian Police Department employee.
France's highest court ruled that technical irregularities meant a seven-month investigation into his role in a $500 million arms sale to Angola had to be dropped.
The Post-Standard articles, published after a seven-month investigation, prompted the university to review the charges.
Their actions, according to the newspaper's seven-month investigation, included destroying evidence and failing to properly report hundreds of fatal grade-crossing accidents to federal authorities.
Another raid in February 2009, following a seven-month investigation, resulted in 59 arrests.
Then it faded from the headlines after a state grand jury conducted a seven-month investigation and concluded that Miss Brawley's account was a hoax.
The report is the result of a seven-month investigation.
The grand jury report, released in 1988 after a seven-month investigation, exonerated Mr. Pagones.
Mr. Ryan, appointed as the state's own monitor, made a seven-month investigation of conditions at Brisbane.
Some of the committee's findings were disclosed last December when it completed its seven-month investigation.