By the end of their seven-month tour, almost a third of the company had been killed or wounded.
People in the industry expect the album sales to pick up with Mr. Springsteen's seven-month tour, which was announced on Monday.
By the end of its seven-month tour, 48 of the unit's reservists would be dead, including 28 killed by improvised bombs.
That effect is one of the reasons the Marines usually do six- or seven-month tours here rather than a full year, which the Army prefers.
The seven-month tour proved to be a true test of survival and was almost a disaster due to small gate-takings.
On 31 May, the ship deployed to the western Pacific for a seven-month tour.
My older son has just returned from a seven-month tour in Afghanistan.
During its seven-month Korean tour, the 731st flew more than 9,000 hours of combat on 2,000 combat sorties.
In 1955, the company gave a seven-month tour to the U.S. to celebrate the 75th anniversary of its first American productions.
On 1 October 1963, she headed back to the 6th Fleet for a seven-month tour.