She presented her evidence by reading a seven-page statement, which included graphic details of her problems.
"The public deserves an objective report that separates the Whitewater facts from the Whitewater froth," the Democratic minority said in a seven-page statement responding to the disclosure of the majority report.
After leaving the job in May 2000, Grestny dictated a seven-page statement about Mrs Vaz to Eggington in March 2001, who sent it to Elizabeth Filkin.
In a seven-page statement, he disclosed that he hated his own homosexuality.
Later, she gave detectives a seven-page statement detailing the events of the evening, including sexual activity, saying, in part, "Adam did not rape me," according to a law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Dr. Jiang's wife, Hua Zhongwei, was shown a seven-page statement written by Dr. Jiang containing reflections that the authorities said were confessional in tone.
The seven-page statement of intent, signed with a flourish by the founders, outlined an initial strategy to enlist not only insurgents but also wayward Communists.
John Gwynne, deputy director of design for the zoo, read a seven-page statement to the commission signed by Mr. Conway.
In response, Joan B. Kennedy, a Justice Department official, submitted, in one of the department's unclassified filings, a detailed seven-page sworn statement last Friday defending the practices.
Mr. Gorton said in an interview today that his decision was so carefully considered and rendered that he had written at least 10 drafts of the seven-page statement that explained it.