Lawrence developed a seven-point program for Pittsburgh during his first days in office, making him one of the first civic leaders to implement a dedicated urban renewal plan.
He promulgated a seven-point program to encourage democracy and economic improvement in Latin America, presaging John F. Kennedy's Alliance for Progress.
The Senate Republicans, unlike their House counterparts, made few boasts for Mr. Bush's seven-point program.
The group of five mayors, briefed Mr. Perot on their seven-point program to revitalize the counry's cities, which carries a price tag of about $34 billion.
In one, he ticks off a seven-point program that he says would revive the economy.
Then on April 27, 1942, President Roosevelt announced a seven-point program for economic mobilization.
"What voters want to know is what are your values and what you want to get done, but they don't want to see a seven-point program on housing."
This is why the nation's mayors marched on Washington and pleaded all year for their seven-point $35 billion program of urban aid.
President Bush outlined a seven-point economic program in his State of the Union Message in January, calling on Congress to pass those proposals by March 20.
Madam President, the seven-point programme of the European Commission will come up for discussion later.