He went from a seven-room apartment in Harlem to an even bigger home where he will have his own swimming pool.
In November, a 2,050-square-foot, seven-room apartment on an upper floor sold for $1,925,000.
The average monthly charges for a seven-room apartment on Fifth Avenue in the 70's are more than $3,000, he said.
He got up, took the phone, turned out the light, and went into his study at the far end of the seven-room apartment.
Our seven-room apartment was considered too big and several rooms were requisitioned for refugees.
The article noted that a seven-room apartment on the 17th floor was $118,000.
Visible Shops became the second business to have its quarters in the seven-room apartment.
The original rental prices are hard to establish, but by the early 1910's a typical seven-room apartment was renting for $100 a month.
The six- and seven-room apartments were arranged with the living room in the bay-windowed space on the front.
There is a seven-room apartment for $15.5 million in the tower at the Pierre.