That is asking for trouble because a deep pass usually requires a seven-step drop.
Even when the offensive line is not blocking well, it's still a seven-step drop instead of a quick three and timing patterns.
On the 15-yard turn-and-in, he bounced forward from a seven-step drop and released the ball cleanly.
A seven-step drop and a 20-yard pattern.
There aren't as many seven-step drops where there's a chance a quarterback can get sacked.
But if he goes back in a five-step or seven-step drop, then attach your eyes to the receiver.
When Gannon took five- and seven-step drops, the protection from his offensive line collapsed around him.
That means fewer seven-step drops, which means fewer deep passes.
But part of it is we had trouble protecting on a seven-step drop.
They have focused on his five- and seven-step drops because, Brown said, "they've been a little rough."