He has found room for them in his seven-week runs, which are 80 percent subscribed in a theater roughly half the size of the Belasco.
The song was prevented from reaching the top spot on the Hot 100 by Rihanna's seven-week run with her hit, "Umbrella".
The play concluded a seven-week run on November 22.
After five consecutive weeks on the chart, it left for one week before returning for two more, giving it a seven-week run.
When the series ends its scheduled seven-week run, the killer of the Twin Peaks high-school student will remain unnamed.
Opens Oct. 19 for a seven-week run that may be extended.
It went on to take in a total of $42,724,017 in ticket sales during a seven-week theatrical run and a worldwide total of $121,700,000.
The production set box-office records at the playhouse during its seven-week run, which ended last Dec. 4.
She opens on Tuesday for a seven-week run.