For a man of his stature, his international career was very short, with only ten appearances for England in a seven-year span.
Known as "Deacon" to his friends, he played for three different teams in three seasons parsed out over a seven-year span.
But in a remarkable seven-year span it twice served as a seat of government (state and national) and figured in a Revolutionary War battle.
This painting was commissioned to the patron saint of this order because for a seven-year span, no member of the order here died.
During that seven-year span, he had acted brotherly and friendly toward Jonathan to lull the latter into a false sense of security.
Pierce lived at the homestead until 1834 when he married, with the exception of a seven-year span spent away for school, college, and law study.
Of course, there is always the chance that nothing very spectacular will rise over ground zero or within the project's planned seven-year span.
He had five books published by Heath Cranton Ltd within a seven-year span (1931-38) before his death in 1940.
Jack Nicklaus won Sahara four times in a seven-year span.
Winning the first half title is something that eluded the team during its entire seven-year span at the Double-A level.