Shealy is preparing to publish the results of a seven-year study on snowboarding injuries.
During his seven-year study of making books with Riebau, he read many books.
The researchers say the seven-year study of men, who were 18 to 30 when the research began, show that men also get much heavier as they age.
In the end all but two of the thirty monitored stones moved during the seven-year study.
Babies born in the hours before dawn seem to face a greater risk of death, California researchers have concluded after a seven-year study.
It is based on a seven-year study of the two sports at United States resorts from 1991 to 1998.
The seven-year study involved 97 people with speech disorders.
Starting in 2000, Majerus conducted a detailed seven-year study of moths, experimenting to assess the various criticisms.
A seven-year study of the class of 1993 - showed that those who stayed in school beyond four years tended to graduate.