In 2007 the District expelled a seventh-grade girl for using a utility knife to cut windows out of a paper house for a class project.
Bernard Smith, the father of a seventh-grade girl, said, "For three years she's never been late or absent, but she doesn't know reading or math."
Girl Talk," meant for seventh-grade girls, which explores the dynamics of relational aggression in girls' friendships with one another.
He said neither teacher had as a pupil the seventh-grade girl whose tuberculosis was diagnosed in December.
The book centers on Carrie, a seventh-grade girl who has just been diagnosed with TS.
In an after-school program for seventh-grade girls, my daughter's pupils read from their journals, sharing their feelings about growing up.
One subject was a seventh-grade girl who had never said a word in school.
Oh, right, I remember: seventh-grade girls with glitter and glue sticks beat him to the punch.
Just try being the smartest and most Christian seventh-grade girl in Bethlehem, Georgia.
Officials in District 4, which is administering the school, said they had already enrolled a full class of 50 seventh-grade girls for the coming school year.