She sent the note on the day an Enron rival, Dynegy, announced plans to acquire Enron, which was once the nation's seventh-largest company.
With total revenues of $705.6 million last year, or about 5 percent of the industry's sales, the two Chrysler operations combined rank as only the seventh-largest rental company.
AT&T today is the seventh-largest company in the United States and the 14th largest in the world.
Enron went on to become the nation's seventh-largest company, pioneering and dominating the trading of natural gas and electricity.
Kenneth Lay, chairman of the nation's seventh-largest company and a longtime political contributor, called a couple of Bush cabinet secretaries to reveal his rapid unraveling.
It was, with more than $100 billion in revenue last year, the nation's seventh-largest company.
A spokesman for Lin, the nation's seventh-largest cellular company, did not return telephone calls seeking comment.
Under the latest proposal being discussed, the television stations would be kept intact with the rest of Lin, which is the nation's seventh-largest celullar-telephone company.
Shareholders at Enron, once the seventh-largest company in the country, lost billions of dollars in stock and retirement savings.
"Enron was the seventh-largest company in the country, and the largest energy player."