The patients had immediately developed very severe Parkinson's disease and were immobilized because the drug had destroyed their substantia nigra.
They were suffering from severe Parkinson's disease, rendering their muscles immovable.
However, persons with severe Parkinson's may have overall mental deterioration (including dementia and hallucinations).
They operated on two women, aged 48 and 55, with severe Parkinson's disease late last year.
But workable cellular therapy for severe Parkinson's is unlikely to be discovered without more research in the laboratory.
The other four involved drugs to treat germ cell cancer, obsessive-compulsive disorders, severe Parkinson's disease, and kidney transplant patients.
Determining the optimal challenge point for motor skill learning in adults with moderately severe parkinson's disease.
About one million Americans, most of them elderly, suffer from the disease or the less severe Parkinson's Syndrome.
Despite the checkered history of gene therapy experiments, the Food and Drug Administration approved this procedure for 12 people with severe Parkinson's.
Justman died on May 28, 2008 in Los Angeles from the complications of severe Parkinson's disease.