When she was sixteen, she suffered a severe convulsion and was diagnosed as having epilepsy.
Ten minutes later she had a more severe convulsion.
The depression causes the nervous system to become hypersensitive producing restlessness and shaking, leading to minor to severe convulsions.
In general these symptoms deteriorated and were followed by severe convulsions, coma and eventually death.
It causes painful muscle spasms and severe convulsions.
The dying lions were unable to stand because of severe convulsions and one animal repeatedly turned in tight circles, they said.
In a moment of madness, he attempts to strangle Kaoru, only to experience severe convulsions, which cause him to fall to the floor vomiting.
Workers with repeated exposure suffer severe convulsions resulting from degradation of the synaptic junctions.
Another man, a dear friend named Grims, went into convulsions so severe that he toppled off the building.
Her body promptly went into severe convulsions, her legs jerking spasmodically.