When he was 13, during a routine visit to the family doctor, severe curvature of the spine was diagnosed.
From soon after his first birthday until he was nearly 4, Ross wore a plaster cast around his midsection to straighten a severe spinal curvature.
He barely had to lean over, for he had severe curvature of the spine.
The skeleton had a number of unusual physical features, most notably a severe curvature of the back that caused the right shoulder to be higher than the left.
The severe curvature of the spine was evident as the skeleton was excavated.
He is microcephalic, blind, has severe curvature of the spine, scoliosis, no speech, cannot walk and weighs 3 stone.
The turnouts and crossover in this area have severe curvature & are life expired.
At the age of four, Brod was diagnosed with a severe spinal curvature and spent a year in corrective harness; despite this he would have a hunchback his entire life.
She hated the attention her size brought her, and her spine developed a severe curvature.
A few months later, Ms. Polley developed scoliosis, a severe curvature of the spine.