Blood tests revealed a severe deficiency of potassium, which plays an important role in muscle functioning.
A small number of people have been identified with severe or total deficiency in aquaporin-1.
In less developed countries severe deficiencies cause blindness in 250,000 children each year.
As they now exist, most energy technologies, the scientists said, "have severe deficiencies."
Adults with a severe deficiency often get heart disease and die young unless treated with growth hormone.
She, on the other hand, found herself treated like a princess, or someone with severe mental deficiencies, by all the household staff.
Adults with severe deficiency will develop emphysema, often before age 40.
The basement, she told an interviewer later, had severe deficiencies.
The typical dose for severe deficiency can be up to 300 mg per day.
There are more than 80 million adults in Europe hampered by severe deficiencies in basic skills.