The Taylor-Massey Creek watershed exists entirely within an urban setting and has suffered severe degradation.
The province is mostly desert, and is experiencing severe environmental degradation as a result of the Aral Sea ecological catastrophe.
Logging, along with cultivation practices has devastated tree cover, causing severe environmental degradation in the country.
His action touched off an outcry from coastal states and environmental groups who said that such leasing would cause severe degradation of the coastal environment.
In agriculture, the plantation systems that they introduced were highly unsustainable and caused severe environmental degradation.
The report is one of many in recent years to identify severe environmental degradation in the world's oceans and to predict catastrophic loss of fish species.
We wouldn't expect severe degradation here, and yet entire year classes of selected species are missing.
Some game reserves were deproclaimed and the Nagana Campaign was implemented, which caused severe degradation of ecosystems.
Mining and the heavy industry which developed around it led to severe environmental degradation.
Some of the ethnic groups like the Ogoni, have experienced severe environmental degradation due to petroleum extraction.