The expense of the stables, together with a generally lavish lifestyle, was a severe drain on Walls's finances.
The budget avoids a bond issue and a severe drain on the city's $34 million surplus.
An economic analysis of the storm indicates that despite the rebuilding boom it brought, the storm overall was a severe economic drain on the state.
Chekov noticed a severe drain on the portapack.
The Iraq war was expensive and continues to be a severe drain on U.S. finances.
If we're lucky, the gravity will remain normal, but if there is a severe drain on the ship's power, even that becomes expendable.
In her message, Miss Dewhurst said the fund had been suffering a severe drain.
Moreover, the sheer quantity of new products, with their heavy marketing and advertising costs, posed a severe drain on corporate resources.
The vast herds that result from such views are a severe drain on a fragile ecological system.
This placed the school under a severe financial and administrative drain.