Furthermore, human cancers caused by chemicals usually take 10 to 20 years of relatively severe exposure.
In areas with severe exposure, lead or similar gasketing materials should be used, except between copper and aluminum.
But the women were experienced in dealing with cases of severe exposure and they had their remedies ready.
After the severest exposure, part of the crew reached the land in their boats.
Limit sun exposure during mid-day hours and in places of potential severe exposure such as beaches.
He had to walk out over the mountains, suffering severe exposure (losing a foot and several toes) and a long recovery.
Very severe exposure can cause coma, convulsions and death.
The purity of this compound was much higher, and so were the adverse health effects on exposure much more severe.
Most importantly, the cat should be kept out of the bedroom at all times, because sleeping with leftover fur for eight hours constitutes severe exposure.
Class A denotes the ability of a substance to withstand severe exposure to fire originating from sources outside the building.