The island was more heavily defended than expected, and there were many casualties on both sides as a result of the severe fighting.
There was severe fighting for these on 11 March, in which 600 or 700 rebels died.
By 1984, after severe fighting, the secularist groups lost all their power to the Islamists.
There was severe fighting until the end of the month, in which the Japanese suffered heavy casualties.
It has been the most severe internal fighting since Lebanon's 1975-90 civil war.
After severe fighting enemy were driven off, losing 3000 killed and died of wounds.
After the severe fighting there, the division left the line for rest and reconstruction.
After "severe fighting", these twenty recruits successfully made it back across the border.
He shot himself in the foot, you remember, after very severe fighting at Arras.
Some severe fighting took place at Pocotaligo where much of the bridge had been removed.