Then came my most heartbreaking boyfriend, who was born with a severe immunodeficiency.
For example, just months ago, gene replacement therapy was used to treat a child born with severe immunodeficiency ("bubble-boy disease").
It has been used to treat genetic disorders such as severe combined immunodeficiency.
"This allows cases to be reported at the first laboratory sign of severe immunodeficiency," he said.
It is a form of severe combined immunodeficiency.
The risk is highest in adults (compared with children) and in persons with severe immunodeficiency.
Recent studies indicate that one in every 2,500 children in the Navajo population inherit severe combined immunodeficiency.
"Molecular defects in human severe combined immunodeficiency and approaches to immune reconstitution".
"Gene therapy for severe combined immunodeficiency: are we there yet?"
The expanding clinical and immunological spectrum of severe combined immunodeficiency".